A Simple Container Hosting Platform.

Container hosting service with a database & CI/CD included

Perfect for small projects & learning.


  1. Choose your framework (or application)
  2. Connect your GitHub account
  3. Automatic project setup (database, CI/CD & tagged releases)

Choose your framework

Not sure? Click "Flask App quickstart" to get started.

Additional frameworks being added- ask!

But I already have a repo! How to I add container hosting to my existing app?

If you simply want to host your existing application in a container and host it,
enter your git repo url below and press submit, your repo will be updated with automated hosting, certificate, storage & pipelines.

to add container hosting to your existing repo"

What do I get?

You will get:

This service integrates with GitHub

Github logo
"GitHub" is owned by GitHub, Inc


Application Hosting

Quickly host popular container applications. Click the application you want to host, and we'll spin up a repo for you to store the application so you can contribute to it/host it.